Resources specifically designed to empower you to live a FLOURISHING LIFE!

Volcano Virtual Summer Camp

Learn the tools for healthy thinking. Line your thinking up with Philippians 4:8. True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely, Admirable


Early Registration is OPEN

The Next Chapter Masterclass

Are you right on the edge of something NEW? Are you in a career change or entering a new season of life?

A New Chapter in your story is about to begin!

Learn More and Register

Dig the Well

Is your soul longing to be refreshed, supported, and strengthened? 

Dig the Well explores Bible stories of wells and living water that will satisfy your thirsty heart.

Purchase on Amazon

Look Closer: Philippians

Are you ready to discover what this letter says about the way you are to think, act, and live in healthy relationships?
In this Look Closer, Word Study Series on the book of Philippians, find out WHAT MATTERS MOST.

Purchase on Amazon

A Membership that Studies Together

Join Becky and a community of Spirit-led women as we journey through daily study of God's Word.


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FREE E-Course

Discover 3 Tools to help you establish an Everyday Rhythm in God's Word.

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