Intimacy With God

30 Conversations With My Heavenly Father


Did you know your relationship with God will grow closer when you begin to have 2-way conversations with him?

Share who you are - the deepest part of you - with God. He is listening and will respond with affirmation, encouragement, love, compassion, and even, at times, the push you need for transformation.


This Guided Journal Is For You If. . .

  • You want to step away from your crazy, busy life for a few quiet, reflective moments
  • It's important for you to talk to God about what is happening in your life — the ordinary moments, the heartaches, and the highlights
  • You desire to share your deepest secrets with God first

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Writing Intimacy With God has changed my life. 

I have always loved my devotional time with God, but in the last few months my heart has been awakened to a greater intimacy with my heavenly Father. 

My ears are being tuned to hear God's voice more clearly, and I am experiencing ongoing conversations with him.

I am finding that as I turn my one-sided requests into two-sided conversations, I hear him speaking directly into my life, addressing me as his dear, lovely daughter.  

Join me on a journey as we look into God's Word and journal our thankful praise and awareness of his presence and goodness. 

I have been searching for just the right journal that would give me Scripture to write out and a place to dig deeper. I finally found it!
- Chelly
This is the perfect journal! Scripture with reflection, prayer, and space to doodle. It's just my style - Thanks!
- Teri
I love the the prompts that Becky gives us to start conversations with God. I hear him speaking encouragement into my life.
- Kayla
 As you begin to talk with God and ask him questions, you too, will hear him respond:
YES, I would love to order this devotional!